“It’s amazing! I’m also super happy and impressed with my results; I used to live super bloated, like 7 months pregnant and with this diet, my 10 year suffering is over.”

Comer es un necesidad. Pero para comer bien, se necesita de un buen guía y Quick Balance lo es. QB una importante propuesta, para mejorar el estilo de vida!! Feliz de haberlos conocido.

“ I already had several months of not feeling very well. With headaches, dizziness, colon problems, a terrible indigestion, and nobody could give me an accurate diagnostic. I made every possible test, but the results were always negative. Finally, I heard about Quick Balance, and I can finally say that my problems are over.
I started the program, and they detected the foods that I was saturated by, as well as the ones that were harming me, and I eliminated them from my diet. There were days were I cheated and I would feel awful. Then I realized what my body truly rejected. I was a person before Quick Balance and I am a different one after starting their program. I felt better and it has helped my keep my weight.”

“I’ve been in the program for 2 and a half months already! I already feel I’m on the other side, in the process of modifying my eating habits. One generally knows, what foods are heavy to them, but one doesn’t usually want to quit these foods and there are other silent foods that are harmful to the organism depending on the person’s metabolism, and people don’t know it.
There were a couple of things that were difficult to drop but I also learned that there are substitutes for everything. It is just a matter of leaving the routine of eating always the same things. After being in 4 gastroscopes for having esophagitis, I only got as a result an increase in the dosage of my Omeprasol. Since 2 weeks ago I’ve been feeling so well that I quit taking Omeprasol and it feels great! And the best of it all, I have lost some weight! I highly highly recommend this.”

“Quick Balance changed my life. Literally, my life was different before Quick Balance. Since I was a baby, my mother tells me, I have suffered from very severe constipation that has been with me for over 35 years. Unsuccessfully, I had tried it all. I was living in despair. I always thought to myself, if I could have any wish, I’d ask for my colon to improve. Until life put Quick Balance on my way.
On one hand I suffered of gastritis and of an obsession of not gaining weight that was also despairing. Every day I would put myself on the scale and felt miserably frustrated when a day fueled by proteins, papaya, and lettuce, and the next day I would gain weight!
I told a friend about a colon problem and she talked to my about Quick Balance. I made the test, they taught me how to eat and what foods to avoid because they were not digested well by my metabolism. I was very impacted see the lists of foods that I frequently consumed thinking I was eating healthy: papaya, lettuce, cucumber…
Fifteen days later I started to see results and now my colon is working like a clock, I haven’t had gastritis ever since and I’m weighing 49 kilos which is my ideal weight, with no obsessions, no weights, simply eating healthily and avoiding what my body doesn’t process well.
Infinite thanks, Quick Balance!”

“Around 3 months or so ago, I felt physically exhausted by a life that was sedentary, fueled by an unbalanced diet, numerous trips, and food in airplanes and restaurants, when I had the opportunity of learning about Quick Balance thanks to a coworker, who has a very healthy diet due to her athletic habits.
Then I attended my first consultation, and since that moment, they helped me understand that eating healthy is something we can all do and that taking care of our body is something beneficial for my present and my future.
I have followed every step during the past 3 months and I have also attended the Food and Emotions workshops, something that has been key in my process.
Today, thanks to the work and support from the Quick Balance experts, I ave organized my eating habits, I feel better, healthier, and have reached my weight goals, plus I have lowered my fat levels to the healthier range and I have increased my muscular mass.
Frankly, in 3 months I am a different person, I’m full of vitality, joy and desire to keep taking care of myself and learning.
Thank you Quick Balance!!!